We have compiled our most frequently asked questions for parents interested in USYVL. Click on a question to see the answer.

Administrative & Volunteering Questions

How do I register?
On each page of this site is a "Find a Program" section. Enter your zip code and locate a program near you. If the program's season has not yet started, you can register online. If you do not have Internet access, you may call the National Office toll-free at (888) 988-7985 and request that we e-mail, fax or mail you a registration form.
I am not able to register on-line because the web site tells me I already have an account! What do I do?

Call our National Office toll-free at (888) 988-7985 to get your username and password.

What does the registration fee cover?

The fee covers participation, administrative costs and insurance.

How do I become a team or site volunteer?
Please visit the Volunteer Page or call the National Office for more information. Ready to sign up? Go to Volunteer! The form can also be acquired at the parent meeting and coaching clinic that occur a couple of weeks before the start of the season.   Available volunteer positions are Head Coach, Assistant Coach, First-Aid and Registration. No prior experience is required except for First-Aid.
Do you offer financial aid?
Yes! Email us or contact our National Office toll-free at (888) 988-7985 and we will mail, fax or e-mail you a financial-aid request form and completion instructions, along with a site registration form if you do not already have one. Complete and return both forms to our office via mail or fax only. The deadline to apply is the same as the Regular Registration deadline.
I registered at the wrong site or I would like to change sites, how do I do this?
Email USYVL Registration and include the site where you would like to be transferred.
I am trying to get in touch with John/Jane Doe; can I get his/her number?

We do not give out any information on staff or players.

How do I get a refund?
USYVL REFUND POLICY:  USYVL is a 501(C) (3) non-profit organization and does not provide for refund of registration fees beyond an initial window of 72 hours after online registration. Any family deciding not to participate in a USYVL program, up to fourteen days before the season begins, may choose either a non-refundable credit which must be used within 365 days from registration date, or the registration fees (minus administration costs of $50) will be accepted as a donation to USYVL’s Financial Assistance Program, to allow other children to participate. A donor letter will be provided to any family choosing this option over a credit for future play.
What is USYVL's pet policy?
Pets provide great enjoyment and companionship. However, USYVL prohibits the presence of pets at all program sites.* Many of the facilities that we use prohibit the presence of pets on school properties and athletic fields. The violation of such policies could result in facilities not allowing USYVL the use of fields or courts. We ask that you be respectful of participants, patrons, staff, volunteers and other spectators who may have pet allergies or may not feel comfortable around pets. *All registered service animals are exempt from the policy.
What is your inclement weather policy?
Practice or games are cancelled if any of the following occur: 1. It is raining at the start time of practice or games; 2. The school or park closes the field due to excess water on the field; 3. The Clinician feels the playing conditions are unsafe. In the event of an inclement weather cancellation, you will receive an email and text message 1-2 hours prior to the scheduled start time, and we will turn on the Inclement Weather Alert on the USYVL website. Cancellations will not be made earlier than two hours prior to the scheduled start time. Please note that if inclement weather occurs within one hour prior to the scheduled start time, an email message will not be sent out and the decision to cancel will be made on the field by the Clinician. Cancellations will be made up right away and communicated via email and Calling Post. Always check the USYVL website for Inclement Weather Alerts!

League, Site & Team Questions

What ages are the children in the league?
Ages 7 -18, depending on the location.
How do you assign players to a division?

The groups are arranged by ages: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-15. Ages are defined according to how old they are on November 1st of the present season. We do not form teams according to skill level. However, players may be moved up an age division.

Do the kids need to have prior volleyball experience?

Absolutely not! We are a league that does not require prior volleyball experience. There will be kids with varying levels of experience. Teams will be arranged to maintain a balance.

Are the teams coed?

Yes! All teams are coed.

How many kids are on a team?

Typically, the teams have 10-12 players.

What kind of attire should the players wear?

Players can wear a regular pair of tennis shoes and athletic attire.

Who are the instructors?

We are a parent volunteer organization, but we do have a volleyball instructor (the Clinician) at every practice and game to supervise the volunteer coaches working with the teams. They are responsible for demonstrating and helping the volunteer coaches.


What skills are taught?

Spiking, serving, setting, passing, and blocking. Our six-person format allows the kids to play every position.

How many times do teams meet per week?

Teams meet two times per week. One day is for practices while the other day is for games (two 25-minute games). The first two weeks of the program, participants will practice on both of the days they meet. Practice days are during the week on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday in the late afternoon. Game days are typically on Saturday morning. Practice and game day times may vary slightly at certain sites.

How is the league structured?

We are a non-profit organization, similarly structured to AYSO, but we are different in that all the players practice and play on the same date, time and location. In addition, we have a volleyball instructor on site at every practice and game to supervise the volunteer coaches. We do not have any fundraising requirements.

What kind of special equipment do you use?

We use a ball that is regulation size, but they are lighter to allow kids more success. We use lower nets so kids can learn how to spike correctly. We use a smaller court size for the 7-8 and 9-10 age divisions. The nets do get higher as the season goes on.

How is your organization related to Club Volleyball or USA Volleyball?

We are not an affiliate organization of USA Volleyball and we focus on getting kids to play volleyball at a younger age.

Can players request a player or coach for team assignment?

Players are randomly assigned to a team within their age division. Only Head Coach volunteers are allowed the privilege of requesting one player, in addition to their own child, to be on their team.

If I am an Assistant Coach, can I have a special request?

As an Assistant Coach, you are normally with the team that your child is on (unless you have more than one child in the program). You can be with a specific Head Coach if s/he requests you. Assistant coaches may not have a special player request (that is, in addition to your own child), unless they decide to become a Head Coach.

If I am a Coach or an Assistant Coach and I have two (or more) children in different divisions, on which team should I volunteer?

Characteristically, the younger the child, the more attention is needed; therefore, we encourage head coaches and assistant coaches to participate on the youngest child's team.

If I move my child up a division, can I request they be on a particular team?

Your child will be placed on a team randomly unless you volunteer to be a Head Coach.

Last season we were on “Coach Brown’s” team. Can my child be on his team this year too?

“Coach Brown” can only make one special request. If he selects your child as his special request, then your child would be on his team. Otherwise, we let the computer balance the teams automatically. You may be surprised how many new friends your child (and you!) will make!

For carpool reasons, my child needs to be on so-and-so's team.

The practices and games take place at the same time for everyone, so rest assured that you can still carpool with children on different teams. If the special request is important to you, we encourage you to volunteer as a Head Coach.

If I contact the National Office and tell them how important it is for my child to play with another player can they move my child?
If it is important for your child to have a special request, we encourage you to volunteer as a Head Coach. We will train you.