Board Event Benefits Youth Volleyball

Board Event Benefits Youth Volleyball

The USYVL Board recently held a special event for the benefit of our Annual Scholarship Fund. The event featured the talented five-piece woodwind group, the “Ember Tones” and included silent auction items for attendees to bid on.

It was a terrific event where the Ember Tones entertained attendees that purchased tickets to the event in the Santa Rosa Valley in California. The group demonstrated their expertise in arranging their own musical numbers that created a memorable evening with music from some of cinemas greatest movies.

The USYVL Board wishes to thank those individuals that purchased tickets to the event and placed bids on silent auction items. All proceeds from this special event will be donated to USYVL’s Annual Scholarship Fund.

Allen Adams, USYVL Board President noted, “The USYVL Scholarship Drive provides funds for youth that otherwise are unable to participate in our volleyball leagues. It provides them an opportunity to grow, learn valuable skills, and improve their self-esteem which reflects in all areas of their lives.” Adams continued, “We had a wonderful evening and appreciate all that participated in our event, giving of their time and resources.”

Due to the generosity of attendees, USYVL will be able to support an additional 30 individuals who wish to participate in one of our volleyball programs this year!

Since 1998, USYVL has never turned away a child from participating in one of our programs because of financial status. We express gratitude to the USYVL Board and to the attendees of the event who continue to ensure that each child that wishes to learn and play volleyball will have access to our programs regardless of their financial situation.

Every child plays at USYVL!