Tuesday, December 1st is GivingTuesday!

Tuesday, December 1st is GivingTuesday!

Tuesday, December 1st is GivingTuesday!

Don’t know what GivingTuesday is? GivingTuesday is a global day of giving focused on celebrating generosity and unity.

This year, we are participating in GivingTuesday, and we need your help.

We invite you to donate to USYVL on Tuesday, December 1. You can support our organization by donating on our website. Donations help us continue to provide opportunities for youth to build confidence, learn transferrable skills like teamwork and good sportsmanship, and have fun playing volleyball.

Last year, we were able to raise more than $25,000, which helped us lead more than 85 programs across the United States.

    Here’s how you can get ready to give:
  • 1. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, Dec. 1
  • 2. Give online at usyvl.org/donate on GivingTuesday
  • 3. Spread the word with your community
  • Together we can change the lives of youth in our community, and across the United States.

    Read a story from one of our participants: Our daughter has never liked anything athletic. Her friend told her how much fun she was having so we decided to try it. This was our second season and she still has some fear of the ball but, she loves every minute of it and the people she meets. Her first year she had the opportunity to join her friends’ team due to some kids who did not show up. But, after the first practice session she had on her original team, she didn’t want to leave them to be on her best friend’s team because she liked her teammates and coach. USYVL for the win!

    We can’t wait to partner with you on GivingTuesday and watch our community change for the better. Thank you for helping us positively impact the lives of over 7000 boys and girls last year.