Why I Coach

Why I Coach

There are many reasons why I coach. It is very rewarding to me to see these kids that come in at one level and leave at another. I have always been an athlete, experiencing coaches that I really enjoyed playing for and gained so much skill. I want to be a coach that the kids not only enjoy playing with, but that can help them improve their skill. I also do it because I miss the sport and when I am out there coaching, I feel almost like I am playing myself. It is fun to share the love of the sport and maybe encourage a child that wasn’t sure they’d like it into coming back and playing again, season after season. It’s also nice to be able to help parents that are trying to coach that need a little assistance because they are learning the sport themselves. I love meeting families out on the field involved in athletics and seeing families I have been out there with in the past. Lastly, I enjoy the time with my daughter. What’s better than being able to see your own child improve in a sport you love each year, have fun doing it, and making friends in the process? USYVL is a great organization and I will be out there again next year for my 5th year coaching.

– Lauren – Team Jolly Ranchers Spring 2019