Why I Coach

Why I Coach

My daughter Isabelle is why I coach. I played volleyball through middle school and high school, so when she started showing an interest in volleyball in the summer of 2017 I immediately looked into the USYVL program. When she saw that parents can volunteer to be coaches, she was so excited for us to do this activity together. We were both nervous going into that first season but we quickly saw that the program and the people were amazing. We made a routine of our practice nights: a playlist of songs to listen to on the drive there, going out for dinner afterwards, and some one-on-one time for girl talk. Before we knew it we had finished our first season and were counting the days until our next one. The USYVL program has given my daughter the opportunity to make new friends, has helped her find a passion for sports, and has a given us the time to add a new layer to our mother-daughter relationship. The smile on Isabelle’s face is why I coach.

Volunteer Nadine – Team Cherry Bombs Spring 2019